Tuesday Nerd Talk

Posted on Wed 22 February 2017 in Projects

I gave a "nerd talk" at the Powder Keg Brewing Company Tuesday Nerd Talks Series, about my milesplit project.

"We're all nerdy about something"

Info about the series is available here. At that link, you can subscribe to an email list, see the upcoming talks, and sign up to give one yourself. Its a really fun event, and PKBC makes some super tasty beer.


Devin Rourke is an electrical engineering nerd (PhD student) and a running nerd (high school coach and athlete) at heart. In this talk he combines these two unlikely interests to describe a 'side project' he has worked on the past few months using the programming language Python to collect and analyze data from high school runners. This talk will demonstrate how easy it is to collect web-based data and some interesting results he has found by analyzing it. Additionally, he will then attempt to justify why this side project -- and side projects in general -- aren't a waste of time. Of course the jury is still out in his particular case, but, broadly speaking side projects aren't a waste of time...Right?

My talk